The Gallery
The Verdura gallery is open 10 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday. Arrange your visit below

In the early 1930s, Verdura toured Europe with his new employer, Coco Chanel. Among their stops, they visited the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna, where the mosaic of Empress Theodora inspired Verdura's iconic Byzantine designs. Transforming the Empress' mosaic necklace into gems and adding a decadent drop, Verdura created the “Y” Necklace.
The Verdura gallery is open 10 AM – 5 PM, Monday – Friday. Arrange your visit below
Born into Sicilian aristocracy in 1898, Verdura’s founder, Duke Fulco di Verdura, began his extraordinary career in Paris as a designer for Coco Chanel. After eight years with Chanel where he, most notably, created the Maltese Cross cuffs that became his signature, Verdura followed his passion for design to America in 1934.